Technology is not the focus.
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- Posted in A Post Written for this Blog / Food for Thought
- 3 mins read
It's the connection the technology makes possible
Human augmentation by technology is now available to everyone, everywhere. We can hold in our hands, immense computing power. We are connected, one to another, through the global network we variously call the Internet, Web, or Interweb.
This communication and augmentation means that in today’s world, business can be, and increasingly is, much more than “just business.”
This revolutionary change is an evolutionary shift.
The revolution and evolution are of connection, not technology.
Technology is not the focus. Technology is the facilitator making it all possible.
More each day we find the technology receding into the background causing us to take it for granted. Do you know how your watch talks to your phone (or care)? Probably not. But you’ve come to expect it.
Or, how about the ease with which you can pause a movie you’re watching to do something else? When you come back, the TV has timed out and your movie is seemingly gone. You click to wake the TV up. It’s just a couple clicks more to be right back where you left off. Plus, you can even go into another room and start up where you left off on a different TV set.
Those may seem trivial examples to some, but how about your car? Ours is a car-driven society. Do you even know how powerful the computer in your car is? Do you care? No. You just want to
- Talk hands-free on your phone
- Listen to voice instructions to get to your destination
- Know when to service your car
- Get alerts when something may be about to go wrong with the engine
- Dial a roadside service with the touch of a button.
Now more than any other time, the Internet is the great equalizer providing software applications (apps) that make short work of business tasks that used to day hours or days.
Bookkeeping and accounting, marketing campaigns, back-office operations, and almost every other part of our business can be automated for increased efficiency and effectiveness.
But how do you decide which things to automate first and how do you choose the best tech to get the job done and cause the least disruption in your life?
How do you know what’s best for your situation? Where can you get help to do the research and make these critical decisions?
What are the precautions you need to take to smoothly transition from how you do things now to these new apps?
I’d love to hear your answers to these questions, especially if you think your solutions might benefit others?
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