IN THE COMPANY OF OTHERS: Making Community in the Modern World
(Tarcher/Perigee-Putnam Publishing Group–10,000 copies in print.)
by Claude Whitmyer with Gail Terry Grimes and others.

“When the stranger says: ‘What is the meaning of this city? Do you huddle together because you love one another?’ What will you answer? ‘We all dwell together to make money from each other,’ or, ‘This is a community’?”
T.S. Elliot
Foreword: I am because we are by Eric Utne.
Prologue: Waking Up to the Company of Others by Claude Whitmyer
What's In The Book?
From the Cover
There is something about being human that makes us yearn for the company of others, to be members of a family of spirit, a team, or a clan in which we are fully seen and understood. Stuck inside our own skins, we often feel alone and cut off; we want to be with others who share our problems, challenges, and hopes. Today people everywhere are finding ways of ending their sense of isolation by joining together in loosely and tightly structured communities of peers.
In the Company of Others explores how people are solving the dilemma of separation and building deep community through:
- business support teams
- neighborhood service clubs
- addiction recovery programs
- food co-ops
- men’s and women’s ritual groups
- intellectual salons
- intentional spiritual communities
- artists’ groups
- electronic networks
- AIDS and cancer survivor groups
This book brings together a range of voices singing the praises of the human dream of community in its many forms. It offers guidance for starting community, and practical solutions for the economic and emotional difficulties that may arise when we live or work with others, involving communication, authority, membership, decision making and purpose.
In the Company of Others is full of profiles of successful groups and communities. It offers a fresh vision of human life in creative togetherness.
Foreword by Eric Utne: I am because we are
Prologue: Claude Whitmyer – Waking Up to the Company of Others
Part 1: Seeking Community: The Need
1. Mark Holloway – The Wins of Our Fathers: Utopian Communities in Nineteenth Century America
2. M. Scott Peck – The Fallacy of Rugged Individualism
3. Arthur E. Morgan – Home sapiens: The Community Animal
4. Malcolm Margolin – An Historical Native American Village
5. Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson – A Modern Village of Spiritual Seekers
Part 2: Making Community: The Task
6. M. Scott Peck – Stages of Community Building
7. Duane Fickeisan – Skills for Living Together
8. Robert K. Greenleaf – The Leader as Servant
9. Michael Linton – Money and Community Economics
10. Amia Lieblich – The Economics of Kibbutz Makom
Part 3: Finding Community: The Satisfaction
11. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – Kinship and Friendship: The Flesh of Community
12. Ram Dass and Paul Gorman – Service: The Soul of Community
13. Starhawk – Celebration: The Spirit of Community
14. Thich Nhat Hanh – Awareness: The Consciousness of Community
15. Stephanie Kaza – A Community of Awareness
Part 4. Living Community: A Wide Range of Choices
16. Geoph Kozeny – Intentional Communities
17. Wayne Liebman – Ritual Men’s Groups
18. Juanita Brown – The Corporation as Community
19. Kathryn McCamant and Charles Durett – Collaborative Housing
20. Stephanie Mills – Salons
21. Kristin Anundsen & Carolyn Shaffer – Electronic Communities
22. Frances Fitzgerald – The Castro: Building Community in the Face of AIDS
Part 5. The Dark Side of Community: Facing and Overcoming the Pitfalls
23. Charlene Spretnak – The Other: Community’s Shadow
24. Margo Adair and Sharon Howell – Domination and Submission: The Subjective Side of Power
25. Arthur Deikman – The Cult: A Mirror of the Times
26. Rick Fields, Peggy Taylor, Rex Weyler, and Rich Ingrasci – On Cults and Organizations
27. Tim Cahill – Jonestown: In the Valley of the Shadow of Death
Part 6. Tomorrow’s Communities
28. Arthur E. Morgan – Achieving a Community Way of Life
29. Bill Devall – Ecocentric Sangha
30. Gary Snyder – Rediscovering the Commons
31. Leif Smith and Pat Wagner – A Future Community Today: The Open Network
32. Ernest Callenbach – A Future Community Tomorrow: Ecotopia
Epilogue: Claude Whitmyer – Community Lost, Saved, and Liberated
Permissions and Copyrights
About the Editor
Margo Adair is a teacher, mediator, and consultant who works with individuals and groups on issues of empowerment. She has created and produced numerous self-help tapes, written for many anthologies and magazines, and is the author of Working Inside Out: Tools for Change. Ms. Adair is self-educated. Having never finished high school, she is unconstrained by any academic tradition. She lives and works in San Francisco.
Kristin Anundsen is a San Francisco-based freelance writer who covers subjects ranging from management and technology to travel and community living. Her work has appeared in such books as The Computer Entrepreneurs and Work In America, as well as in consumer, computer, management, and company publications. As an editor and ghostwriter, she has helped other professionals produce both articles and books.
Juanita Brown is an international strategic management consultant. She is a fellow of the World Business Academy and has served as program faculty at the John F. Kennedy University, School of Management, and the California Institute of Integral Studies. She lives in Mill Valley, California.
Tim Cahill lives in Livingston, Montana. Cahill is the author of Buried Dreams, Jaguars Ripped My Flesh, and A Wolverine Is Eating My Leg. He is also a columnist and founding editor of Outside magazine and a contributing editor to Rolling Stone.
Author Ernest Callenbach‘s books include Ecotopia, Ecotopia Emerging, and A Citizen Legislature (with Michael Phillips). He founded the critical journal Film Quarterly in 1958 at the University of California Press and served as its editor until 1991. He lives with his wife, Christine, in Berkeley, California.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a professor and former chairman of the Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago. A member of the National Academy of Education and the National Academy of Leisure Sciences, he is the author of Beyond Boredom and Anxiety and co-author of The Creative Vision, Optimal Experience: Studies in Flow Consciousness, and Television and the Quality of Life.
Arthur J. Deikman is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California at San Francisco. He is the author of The Observing Self: Mysticism and Psychotherapy.
Bill Devall has written extensively on the environmental movement and is the author of Simple In Means, Rich In Ends, and Deep Ecology: Living as if Nature Mattered. Devall has participated in the Sierra Club and other environmental groups for the past two decades. He lives in Arcata, California.
Duane Fickeisen lives on Bainbridge Island, near Seattle, Washington. He is Administrator of the Context Institute; Associate Editor of In Context magazine which it publishes and works as an organizational development consultant to non-profits. He has written several articles for special issues of In Context covering group process within communities, sex within human family planning, and private rights versus public responsibilities as an issue of empowerment.
Rick Fields is the primary author of Chop Wood, Carry Water: A Guide to Finding Spiritual Fulfillment in Everyday Life and several other books, including How the Swans Came to the Lake: A Narrative History of Buddhism in America, and The Code of the Warrior: In History, Myth, and Everyday Life. He lives in Boulder, Colorado. His co-authors on Chop Wood, Carry Water included Peggy Taylor, founder of New Age Journal; Rex Weyler, founder of Greenpeace; and Rick Ingrasci, M.D., a holistic health physician. Fields, Taylor, Weyler, and Ingrasci were all editors at New Age Journal when they wrote Chop Wood, Carry Water.
Francis Fitzgerald‘s best-selling Fire in the Lake was awarded a Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, and Bancroft Prize for history. Her articles on Vietnam, Cuba, Northern Ireland, and the Middle East have appeared in The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, The New York Review of Books, and Harper’s. She has also written for The New York Times Magazine, Vogue, Look, The Nation, and New Times. Fitzgerald lives in New York City.
Richard J. Foster lives in Wichita, Kansas, with his wife Carolynn. He is a theologian and author of The Challenge of the Disciplined Life, Freedom of Simplicity, and Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth.
Robert K. Greenleaf was Director of Management Research at AT&T and visiting lecturer at M.I.T.’s Sloan School of Management and Harvard Business School. He consulted widely to businesses, universities, foundations, and churches during the 1960s and ’70s on the principles of management and organization. He became the country’s leading proponent of “servant leadership” in the decade before his death in 1991.
Elizabeth Hingston is a mythologist, writer, and educator with extensive experience in the area of women’s empowerment and gender reconciliation. She is a director of the Pangaia Institute for Gender Studies in Santa Barbara and co-author with Aaron Kipnis of The Art of Partnership: Love, War, and Friendship Between Women and Men.
Mark Holloway is a historian with a special interest in utopian communities. He lives in Sussex, England.
Sharon Howell is a community organizer, speaker, and writer living in Detroit. She grew up in a small community of miners and foundry workers who have lived in the Allegheny Mountains for generations. She is the author of Reflections of Ourselves: Mass Media and the Women’s Movement and is involved in community organizing, speaking, and writing.
Shirley Jackson lives in rural Vermont. Her first novel The Road Through the Wall was published in 1948. Later that year, with the publication of The Lottery in New Yorker magazine, she achieved tremendous fame. She has written numerous magazine articles and two autobiographical works, Life Among the Savages and Raising Demons.
Stephanie Kaza is a Zen student of Kobun Chino Roshi. She lives in Burlington, Vermont is an assistant professor in the Environmental Program at the University of Vermont, and serves on the board of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship.
Aaron Kipnis is a psychologist in private practice in Santa Rosa, California. He is the author of Knights Without Armor: A Practical Guide for Men in Quest of Masculine Soul.
Geoph Kozeny has visited intentional communities across North America for the past several years. He is co-editor of The Directory of Intentional Communities and founder of The Community Catalyst Project, an educational organization that provides technical assistance and support for established and emerging communities. Kozeny lives in San Francisco, California.
Jiddu Krishnamurti has written books too numerous to list. His works have been translated into many languages and been read by millions of people. Krishnamurti was born in 1895 to a Brahmin family in Madanapalli, a small town in Andhra Pradesh, India. At the age of 12, he was chosen by the Theosophical Society to fulfill a prophecy of the coming of a “great being” who would liberate mankind. Twenty-one years later, in 1928, he announced that he was not a messiah and that he had no disciples. In 1929 he completely dissolved the organization that had been built up around him and returned all property, gifts, and money. Krishnamurti spent the rest of his life trying to help others become free. He is regarded by many as one of the greatest religious teachers of all time.
At the time that she wrote Kibbutz Makom, Amia Lieblich lived with her husband and children in Jerusalem and taught psychology at the Hebrew University. She is a Gestalt therapist and author of Soldiers on Jerusalem Beach.
Wayne Liebman is a physician in private practice in Los Angeles, California. He has been active in the men’s movement and is currently writing a novel about medicine and dreaming.
Michael Linton works on the development of local currency systems in British Columbia. He is the founder of Landsman Community Services, developers of the “Local Employment and Trading System” which, in the past decade, has been successfully implemented in several dozen communities .
Malcolm Margolin has written numerous articles for national and local magazines and several books, including The Earth Manual and The Ohlone Way: Indian Life in the San Francisco Monterey Bay Area. He grew up in Boston and graduated from Harvard College in 1962 and currently lives and works in Berkeley, California.
Kathryn McCamant and Charles Durett are co-authors of a book on Denmark’s “living communities” entitled Co-Housing. They live and work in the San Francisco Bay Area where they offer workshops, lectures, and consulting assistance to people interested in collaborative housing.
Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson are co-founders of the Sirius Community, a non-profit educational center in Massachusetts. Former members of the Findhorn Community in Scotland, they teach and lecture on alternative communities and social change, and work as consultants to businesses and government agencies on the application of humanistic management practices.
Stephanie Mills is the author of Whatever Happened to Ecology and editor of In Praise of Nature. She lives in a pine forest outside Maple City, Michigan.
From 1920 to 1936 Arthur E. Morgan was President of Antioch College, where he and his wife developed the Antioch College Plan of wholeness and balance in education. Franklin Roosevelt appointed Morgan chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority from 1933 to 1938. Morgan helped bring about the League of Nations, protected the Florida Everglades, and championed the small community. He was a prolific author of books on education, engineering, philosophy, biography, and history, including Industries for Small Communities, The Community of the Future and the Future of Community, and Nowhere was Somewhere: How History Makes Utopias and How Utopias Make History. Morgan died in 1975, but his work continues under the auspices of Community Service, Inc., of Yellow Springs, Ohio, an educational organization he founded in 1940.
Thich Nhat Hanh has been a Zen monk for 45 years. He founded Van Hanh Buddhist University in Saigon and the School of Youth for Social Service. In 1966, he visited the United States to describe to us the enormous suffering of the Vietnamese people, and he was nominated by Martin Luther King, Jr., for the Nobel Peace Prize. Unable to return to his native Vietnam because of his outspoken neutrality, he was granted asylum in France, where today he is head of Plum Village, a small community of meditators and activists. He is the author of Being Peace, The Miracle of Mindfulness, The Sun My Heart, and many other books.
M. Scott Peck is the author of the best-selling The Road Less Traveled as well as People of the Lie and The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace. He is also the founder of the Foundation for Community Encouragement, a nonprofit organization promoting community and world understanding. He lives with his wife in New Preston, Connecticut.
Oliver and Cris Popenoe are the founders of Yes!, Inc., in Washington, D.C., a mail-order catalog and bookshop with the largest offering in the world of books on inner development and holistic health. Yes! also includes a natural food store and a nonprofit educational society. Oliver Popenoe earned a Ph.D. in sociology from the London School of Economics, and served in the Peace Corps. Cris is the author of Inner Development and Wellness.
Peter Rutter is a psychiatrist in private practice in San Francisco. He is a faculty member of the C.G. Jung Institute and an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California Medical School. He is the author of Sex in the Forbidden Zone: When Men in Power Betray Women’s Trust.
Carolyn R. Shaffer is a hypnotherapist in private practice in Berkeley, California. She is co-author of City Safaris: A Sierra Club Explorers Guide to Urban Adventures for Grownups and Kids, and she is a contributor to The Womanspirit Sourcebooks and The Politics of Women’s Spirituality, as well as magazines such as New Age Journal, Commonweal, and Yoga Journal.
Sulak Sivaraksa is a prominent and outspoken Thai social critic and activist. He was founder of Thailand’s foremost intellectual magazine, Sangkhomsaat Paritat (Social Science Review), and Chair of the Asian Cultural Forum on Development. He has been a visiting Professor at the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Hawaii, Cornell, and Swarthmore. He currently lives in exile in Honolulu and teaches in the Buddhist Studies Program at the University of Hawaii.
Gary Snyder is a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and teacher of literature and wilderness thought at the University of California at Davis. His poetry collections include Turtle Island, Axe Handles, and Earth Household and his best-known essay collections include The Real Work and The Practice of the Wild. He is the founder of the Ring of Bone Zendo community and lives with his family on San Juan Ridge in the Sierra foothills.
Charlene Spretnak is the author of The Spiritual Dimension of Green Politics, Green Politics (with Fritjof Capra), and The Lost Goddesses of Early Greece. She is a co-founder of the Committees of Correspondence, a major Green political organization in the United States. Her work has also contributed to the framing of the women’s spirituality and ecofeminist movements. She lives in Berkeley, California.
Starhawk is a peace activist and leader in the feminist spirituality and ecofeminist movements in the United States and Europe. She is the author of the bestselling The Spiral Dance and Dreaming the Dark.
In 1953 Life Magazine selected Howard Thurman as one of the twelve “Great Preachers” of this century. The grandson of slaves, Dr. Thurman emerged from the Florida ghetto of his childhood to become Dean Emeritus and Professor of Spiritual Resources and Disciplines at Boston University; the Ingersol Lecturer at Harvard University; honorary canon of the Cathedral of Saint John The Divine, New York City; co-founder of the Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples, which was the first racially integrated church in America; and recipient of countless awards, including honorary degrees from almost two dozen major universities. Thurman was the author of some 25 inspirational books, including The Search for Common Ground, The Luminous Darkness, Disciplines of the Spirit, Meditations of the Heart, and The Centering Moment.
Pat Wagner and Leif Smith are information consultants, network facilitators, authors of The Networking Game, and founders of The Office for Open Network in Denver, Colorado.
Technically In the Company of Others: Making Community in the Modern World is out of print. But if you click on any of the links to it on this page, you will be taken to Amazon.Com where you can always buy a used copy.
Comment from a Reviewer

“Creating community and making it work is one of the most powerful imperatives of American life. While many social critics have been lamenting the loss of this precious resource in today’s world, few have really treated the subject with the breadth and depth it deserves.
“‘In the Company of Others: Making Community in the Modern World’ gathers together 32 essays on this important aspect of contemporary life. As editor of this anthology, Claude Whitmyer draws on his experiences as the coordinator of the [ Briarpatch Community ] to introduce the sections of this paperback on seeking, making, finding, and living in communities.
“New forms of shared life, connectedness, and common purpose have come to the fore in our heterogeneous and pluralistic world. Essayists such as M. Scott Peck, Ram Dass, and Gary Snyder comment on the challenges of communication, authority, decision-making, and purpose in the maintenance of community.
“One thing is for sure: there is no shortage of variety in the forms of association covered in this book. Some of the types include neighborhood service clubs, business support teams, food co-ops, men’s and women’s ritual groups, intentional spiritual communities, electronic networks, intellectual salons, and artists’ groups. ‘In the Company of Others’ is one of the best books on community published in many a moon.”
Fred and Mary Ann Brussat
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