500+ clients (so far) have taken this path with me.

The Key is Mindfulness

The Problem: Being Frustrated or Stuck

Are you or do you know someone who is:

  • Feeling stale? Anxious? Confused?
  • Mired in guilt? Or dread?
  • Procrastinating in the face of inner, interpersonal, and/or practical obstacles?
  • Slipping further and further away from the dream?
  • Close to an answer but not quite there? Looking for a little help to break through?

Stuck? Frustrated?

The Solution: The Path to MeaningfulWork

Drawing on 30-plus years of consulting with adults facing a dysfunctional work world, I have developed a set of tools that can help you:

  • Clarify what you want
  • Overcome obstacles
  • Succeed at your worthy dream
  • Achieve greater meaning

. . . whether you decide to stay in your present work or move on.

Together we address the challenges that are keeping you from more meaningful work and the life you want. We work together to:

  • draw out the answers that will help you move forward.

  • deepen your understanding and your life skills for acting on the answers.

  • identify resources that might make a difference.

  • move you toward greater clarity and confidence.

Claude, Fall Foliage, Persimmon Tree
“Claude Whitmyer is an invaluable consultant who harmonizes matters of the marketplace with those of the spirit. Without him, I still wouldn’t know that ‘right livelihood’ is a practical reality, not just a philosophical ideal.”
Maureen Redl
Maureen Redl

If you are seeking more meaningful employment that lets you do what you love and still pay the bills, or if you want to start or grow your own right livelihood venture, such as:

  • an artistic, creative, or “maker” project
  • a nonprofit or other cause-driven initiative
  • a profit-making commercial enterprise

or if you aspire to make the world a better place without sacrificing financial well-being . . .

. . . then The Path to Meaningful Work™ can help you get there.

This process has proven remarkably successful. I want to make it available to more people. This isn’t therapy. It’s lifelong learning*. It’s a collaborative effort between you and me to break through to get what you want and to build support for ongoing right livelihood. It is organized around a series of guided self-help practices that I developed after 30-plus years of consultation with hundreds of small and very small business owners, new entrepreneurs, and career changers.

* Lifelong learning is the “ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. It is important for an individual’s competitiveness and employability, but also enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development.

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifelong_learning

Free Mini-Consultations on Zoom

For new clients who aren’t ready for the complete process or for a full 90-minute session, I offer a free 30-minute Zoom session during which we focus on one specific question and identify a single achievable next step. During this introductory conversation, you get to experience what it’s like working with me. I will also give you three free sample lessons from The Path to Meaningful Work™.

Does this sound like a good first step for you or someone you know? Use my contact page to make an appointment or ask questions.

Zoom Logo
CW in Zoom Session

The Complete Process

The container for this process is experienced, knowledgeable guidance combined with genuine, friendly interest in you and your future. The consulting approach is both structured and improvisational, so we can address your unique needs as you progress toward your immediate and longer-term goals.

Friendly Claude

Seven Ways I Help

Here are the methods and resources we use, as appropriate:

  • 1-to-1 sessions (Mostly online, sometimes in person).

  • Group sessions (For mutual support and connection)
  • Practice Exercises (More than 50)
  • Worksheets (Nearly 30)
  • Tip Sheets and Checklists (More than a dozen)
  • Bonus Articles and Essays (14 available online, with more added as I write them.)
  • Technical Advice as needed.

Five Kinds of Support

I provide five kinds of support:

  • Working together to identify which readings and practices from the process catalogue are the most applicable and timely for your situation and stage of progress.
  • Sharing research and learning suited to your unique circumstances.
  • Coaching to help you deepen your learning and overcome obstacles.
  • Providing emotional support and encouragement every step of the way.
  • Offering practical advice on money management, time management, action planning, marketing and self-promotion, and more.

How Long Does It Take?

Most clients meet with me for at least six to 12 sessions, two to four weeks apart.

To complete the full 40+ lessons of The Path to Meaningful Work™ process typically takes six months to a year. (You want your change to stick!) 

Between sessions, you complete the readings, exercises, and activities that you agreed to in the previous sessions.

Some of my clients have already done a lot of self-reflection and work on their personal evolution. If that’s you, we will put our heads together to address your most current and/or urgent challenges by applying the resources I’ve developed, plus others specific to your needs.

How Much Does It Cost?

Materials Only

  • Work time self determined
  • All lessons, exercises, & learning aids.
  • No sessions required.
  • Completion at your own pace.

Pay As You Go

  • 90-Minute Sessions
  • Materials as you go, based on your needs.
  • +/- 20 Sessions
  • Completion at your own pace.

Full Process

$2,000in advance
  • 90-Minute Sessions
  • Materials as you go, based on your need.
  • 20 Sessions
  • Completion in 6 to 12 months.

Materials Only

If you learn best on your own, you may purchase all the written materials from the full Path to Meaningful Work™ process—that’s all the lessons, exercises, worksheets, and other learning aids—without coaching or consulting for $500. Coaching or consulting is optional, at $150 for each 90-minute session.

PRICE: $500 for a complete set of materials.

Pay As You Go

This customized version of the process gives you access to as many lessons and 90-minute Zoom sessions as you need.

For many people who have already done considerable self-discovery work, the average as-you-go customized process typically takes six to 12 sessions.

Materials as you go based on your needs.

PRICE: $150 for each 90-minute session. A full 20 sessions would be a $3,000 value if purchased one session at a time.

Full Process

The full process currently includes 20 ninety-minute, private Zoom sessions plus more than 40 written lessons, plus exercises, and worksheets, with more available as I produce them. At an average of two lessons per session (four lessons per month), it would take about 10 months to complete all the lessons.

When you choose the full process at $2,000 in advance, you save $1,000 over the cost of 20 individual sessions (40+ lessons) purchased as you go.

PRICE: $2,000 in advance.

What Do People Say?

“I met Claude many years ago in [one of his] business training programs. Being more oriented to the emotional world and the invisible world, and being shy about marketing myself, I felt overwhelmed by what is required in business.

Claude simplified the business aspect of things and made me feel that, indeed, I could earn the money I needed doing the work I love.

Claude has a lovely combination of Heart and business sense that he presents in a way that feels normal and do-able.”

Meg Siddeshawari Sullivan, R.N., M.S.N.

Meg Siddheshwari Sullivan, R.N., M.S.N.

Reiki Center of the East Bay

“At this particular moment in history, it feels incredibly valuable to have Claude Whitmyer’s voice as a counterpoint to certain other voices in the world. It’s also a gift to have access to Claude’s incredible cheerleading skills and his responsiveness to others. His quick reactions can be brief, or they can be long, but they are always deep and to the point.
sarah-jane lapp
Sara Jane Lapp
Fine Artist and Puzzle Manufacturer
“To find the truth of who you are and to make a living at it depends on your being honest with yourself, honest with your money, honest with everything. It’s all connected as one thing. Claude is one of the few people who carries that torch. It’s what he does in the world as a creator.”
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John Ingle
“Claude is a thorough teacher and a knowledgeable mentor. Under his tutelage and supervision, I experienced dramatic growth, both professionally and personally.
Roberto Aponte
Roberto Aponte, MAB
Event Producer
“You gave me a profound experience of receiving services from a business conducted in the spirit of right livelihood. I am now both further along and more solidly on a new and gratifying path.:
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Ron Feldman
Consulting Service
"I learned a lot from our session. You answered questions I'd had for years. It was good to have someone so knowledgeable to work with."
Zach Stewart
Zack Stewart
Canoga Park Architects
"It is helpful to look at my business with your kind of overview–to see where things have been missing and make the changes needed. I appreciate your help."
Anne Subercaseuxt
Commercial Artist
"The consultations I did with you were definitely an important factor in the rapid gains in my business. I have taken your suggestions and support to heart and they have greatly strengthened me and my work."
Don Propstra
Don Propstra

Next Steps

Do you think you or someone you know might benefit from The Path to Meaningful Work™?

Please use my contact page to set up an appointment or send me a query.

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