As you begin traveling The Path to Good Work, you can strengthen your connection with positive support from deep within by cultivating the “self-power” half of your “launch platform.”
(Some call this “cultivating intuition”. I call it “personal mastery” or “skillful means”. See “Other-Power” for the other half of your “launch platform.” [CW])
Contemplation, Reflection, Self-realization, Individuation, Self-discovery “Am I awake? Or am I asleep just dreaming I’m awake?”
Through "self-power" (the inner work) you can:
Cultivate deeper self-trust and self-support.
Open up to the “big picture” or an embodied vision of the world as it really is.
Clarify your personal purpose.
Concentrate your energies on defining the goals that naturally arise from that purpose.
Define the milestones and measurable objectives that will reach those goals.
Execute the action steps that will complete those objectives and reach those milestones.
Persevere.Do what needs to be done, regardless of how you feel.
Watch patiently for the expected positive outcomes.
Make adjustments based on a realistic assessment of results.
Begin and continue.
Mindfulness is the Key to Increased Self-Awareness
Mindfulness is the most powerful force you can use for increasing awareness. It’s your best tool to break through to get what you want.
With mindfulness, you can:
Make ecological, social, and spiritual values an integral part of your life
Sustain work that is both meaningful and nurturing to self and others.
With mindfulness:
Awareness naturally arises.
Increased awarenesscompels you to learn how to:
Identify and overcome the negative inner voices that hold you back.
Practice self-acknowledgment and learn to minimize risks.
Raise self-esteem and build motivational energy.
Learn to tap into your inner wisdom and use it as a guide for this journey.
Self-Power as Values Clarification
Doing the "Inner Work"
It also helps to get clear about your “true” personal values, not just those that have been imposed on you by family, community, and society.
Top Three Awareness Challenges of Self-Power
Many of the inner obstacles to getting what you want arise from your own attitudes and behavior.
Self-powerrelies heavily on your willingness to become more aware of these challenges.
The top three awareness challenges of “self-power” are:
Identify and overcomeinner obstacles and challenges
Uncover and detach from feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that cause harm to yourself or others
Cultivate thoughts and actions that reduce harm and increase well being for yourself and others.
Top Four Awareness Practices of Self-Power
The top four specific mindfulness practices that can aid in expanding your self-awareness to meet those challenges include:
1. Focus
Narrow your attention to a specific action or task bringing it into the foreground.
Include a soft focus on the background of circumstances and conditions that action or task is enmeshed within.
2. Concentrate
Bring full attention to bear on doing that action or task in a manner appropriate to that context.
Like a seasoned surfer, you concentrate on the ride along the curl of the background wave, while you “hang 10” and point your board down the foreground shoot that unfolds ahead as it simultaneously collapses behind.
3. Be Patient
Relax into the probability that desirable outcomes can take time to unfold.
Be alert to subtle changes in the curl as it unfolds, and practice non-attachment to the urge to push the wave.
4. Persevere
The truly great rides come to those who “hang in there” well after most others have given up and headed for the safety of the beach.
Create Your Own Mindfulness-Based
Personal Learning Environment
Mindfulness allows you to . . .
. . . recognizethe present moment
. . . again and again.
From the present moment, you can . . .
. . . discoverclear thinking
. . . builda strong connection
. . . todeep intuition.
From the present moment, you can more easily:
Clarify your vision of life and your personal purpose.
Concentrate your energies on the goals arising from that vision and purpose.
Patiently wait for positive outcomes.
Persevere, doing what needs to be done, regardless of how you feel.
Practice self-trust and self-support.
Seek support from an experienced guide and those close to you or people new to you with whom you feel a deep rapport.
Returning to the present moment, again and again, provides you with an environment conducive to learning and growth. With mindfulness as a regular practice, you can rely on this for the rest of your life.
Regular Mindfulness Practice Becomes
Life-Long Learning
In such an environment, you will learn how to . . .
Identify and overcome the inner voices that hold you back.
Practice the steps to self-acknowledgment and risk minimization.
Raise self-esteem and build motivational energy.
Learn to tap into your inner wisdom and use it as a guide.