Charlie Varon’s Year in Review (5783/2023)

The other day, I was looking at Charlie Varon’s website for some inspiration (he frequently inspires me) and I encountered his “The Year Year in Review: 5783.”

That’s 5783 on the Hebrew calendar which just ended on September 15, 2023 of the modern calendar.

He and his collaborators created an inspiring review of the 12 months from September 2022 to September 2023. It is worldly and thoughtful and includes both good things and bad. I found it quite inspiring. You can find it at:

Charlie Varon

About Charlie
Some of you have undoubtedly enjoyed performances by Charlie Varon. Charlie is an author, actor, director, and producer of many comedic plays over the years and is active in teaching his art through 1:1 and workshop learning.
He’s also a long-time Briar and someone I frequently use as an example of the application of Briarpatch principles to the creation and maintenance of an alternative small business.
In Charlie’s case, his business is the art of comedy. He writes it, performs it, and teaches it providing a sterling example of a focused business with multiple income streams.
He carefully monitors the life of his business with detailed books of accounts and ongoing financial statements. He conducts many experiments and has been able to rapidly respond to changes in his field as public consumption of live performance has waned and we’ve all been impacted by the Covid pandemic.


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