Never hold a meeting when action will produce just as much or more.
Conduct all meetings standing up (except of course, for those who are legitimately chair-bound).
Let no meeting last longer than 15 minutes.
Let no meeting be held without a preplanned agenda (including estimated times for each agenda item).
Begin every agenda with a statement of purpose (aka the hoped-for outcome).
Make sure all “purpose statements” are actionable.
Everybody must participate. No spectators.
No computers, phones, or other electronic digital devices may be present.
Exceptions: These are allowed only if they serve a function to further the meeting. (Such as displaying images, recording minutes, or making it possible for someone to attend from a distance.) The point here is to be fully present in the meeting, not texting your mother.
All meetings end by filling out an Action Item table:
Action Items table: In a real-time meeting, whether face-to-face or online, the group comes to a consensus about who should do what and by when.
ACTION ITEM. First, through group discussion, a list of critical action items is agreed upon by consensus.
WHO? Second, if needed, further discussion is conducted about who, from those present, may be the most appropriate person to complete each action item.
WHEN? Third, having matched action items to appropriate parties, each party commits to taking those actions by an agreed-upon time..
REPORTS TO. Finally, they also agree to report their progress and completion to an appropriate third party as a way of creating a system of accountability.