Does your work allow you to alternate between tasks that use your hands and body and those that use your mind?
Does your work allow you to experience many different jobs, never remaining in one position for too long?
Can you alternate between solitary work, where you exercise personal responsibility and group work, where you share work responsibilities?
Do you have enough responsibility and authority to effectively execute your work duties?
Can you use your imagination and resources to solve your work challenges or are you forced to follow someone else’s idea about the “best” way to do things?
When at work, can you practice uncompromised moral behaviors such as honesty, compassion, and ethics?
Do you receive enough income, time, or resources from work that you can engage in philanthropy, service, or gift giving?
Does your work interfere with your desire to have good friends? Do you have sufficient time to cultivate and nurture your friendships?
Does your work provide ample opportunity to master the profession of your choice?
Does your work make it possible for you to be free from debts?
Do you have personal control over the pace of your work?
Are you encouraged to look for and control the consequences of your work?
Are you in little danger of losing your job or being punished if you speak out about any negative consequences of your work?
Is your work interesting and engaging?
Does your work give you many satisfactions beyond the money you earn?
Does your work involve searching for and completing visions, purposes, goals, and objectives, that are a reflection of who you are and how you want to be in the world?
Is your work fun? Is there much humor and laughter and joy in your work?
Do you work within an organization that is the right size for you? Do you know almost everyone who works in your organization?
Does the leadership at work create a social milieu within which the business lives and grows or do they dictate exactly what each employee should do?
Do you share in the profits of your company? When your workgroup’s performance results in increased productivity or income, is your work budget appropriately increased?
Are you an involved and respected voice in the decision making processes of your workgroup and organization?
Are you aware of the interdependence that exists between you, the other workers in your organization and between your organization and the world?
Are self-development, self-fulfillment, self-reliance, and self-responsibility espoused, practiced, and supported in your organization?
Does your organization encourage and support you in your efforts to notice things as they are and to practice being fully present in the everyday moments of your life? Or is there more focus on past mistakes and future expectations and fears?
Does your work help you to notice what you are receiving from life moment by moment, your interdependence on those around you, and all the efforts by others that sustain you?
Have you consciously chosen the work that you do?
Is work a way of being for you? Does it help you move toward your fullest participation in life? Are you growing in self-awareness, trust, and self-esteem?
Does your organization encourage and support you in pursuing work as a natural vehicle for self-expression?
Are your work goals personally meaningful and are you committed to pursuing them no matter how difficult or demanding the challenges you must face?
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